This course comprising three workshops is aimed at helping professional, consulting and graduate engineers to understand how disruptive innovations and technologies are digitizing engineering. The first workshop introduces the learner to the concept and theory of disruptive innovation, how this theory is premised on markets and why not every new groundbreaking innovation is disruptive. The second workshop describes how relentless development of new technologies has been unfolding since the early 1990,s leading to disruption on many fronts of life. How, in 2018, 10-15 disruptive technologies appeared that have began ushering in what has come to be known as “Industry 4.0” or the fourth industrial revolution. This transformation is bringing about unprecedented levels of automation ushering in a new era of productivity for physical industries and associated infrastructure. This is also referred to as the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT). Entire physical industries and infrastructure are being digitally transformed, including electric grids, logistics centers and transportation hubs, farms and agricultural processing plants, factories and manufacturing, materials, mining and refinement, and retail supply chains and outlets. This workshop also analyses why Design and Engineering (D&E) firms must align with evolving technology and innovation in two key areas: technology-enabled efficiency (e.g., standardization, modularization, and automation of common design activities), and new technology–enabled services (e.g., areas of opportunity emerging at the interface of built assets and digital/big data, such as digital infrastructure). The final workshop on digital transformation and engineering discusses how competencies requirements for engineers are changing , what are the game changers in digital engineering and how engineers can prepare for digital engineering and transformation.
This course comprises:
Workshop 5.2.1. Disruptive Innovation and Theory
Workshop 5.2.2. : Understanding Disruptive technologies
Workshop 5.2.3: Digital Transformation and Engineering
By the end of this course, learners will have gained an understanding of: