This course comprises the following four workshops aimed at helping professional, consulting and graduate engineers to understand the basics of climate change as these pertain to the engineering profession:
Workshop 5.3.1: Greenhouse Gases and Carbon Emissions
Workshop 5.3.2: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Workshop 5.3.3: Climate Change: Kenya Overview
Workshop 5.3.4: Introduction to Climate Engineering
The first workshop focuses on greenhouse gases and carbon emissions. This covers definition of climate change, scientific fundamentals of climate change, historical climate variations, greenhouse gases (GHGS), carbon emissions: black carbon (BC) and organic carbon (OC) and the human contribution to climate variability.
The second workshop on climate change mitigation and adaptation covers global GHG emissions by economic sector, the Paris Agreement 2015, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCS), developing versus developed nations responses to climate change, mitigation and adaptation.
The third workshop provides a Kenyan context to global GHG emissions by country, Kenya’s climate change journey, Climate Change Act No. 11 of 2016 (CCA), National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) 2018-2022, Kenya’s Priority Climate Mitigation Actions, The National Adaptation Plan (NAP), and The Climate Change Fund (CCF).
The final and fourth workshop discusses climate change engineering and provides a general background to this new field of engineering, climate engineering technologies, carbon dioxide removal (CDR), solar radiation management (SRM), technologies on the Horizon and discussion about whether climate change engineering will gain legitimacy?
At the end of this course the learners will have understood;
- What Greenhouse Gases and carbon emissions are defined and how they affect climate;
- What strategies are being adopted to mitigate and adapt to climate change and the role international and nationally determined contributions in these strategies;
- Kenya’s climate change journey, legislation, mitigation and adaptation action plan and funding arrangements; and
- Basics of rationale behind the newly emerging field of climate change engineering and climate change technologies.